Denture are removeable prosthetic teeth that can replace one or many missing teeth, We aim to use the latest materials and techniques to help achieve a balanced denture that closely mimics your natural teeth.
Every denture starts with carefully selecting the correct size, shape and shade of tooth to create a balanced denture that will appear as natural as possible.
We work closely with a range of dental technicians to ensure the quality of your new denture meets our exacting standards. Through our close working relationships we can best communicate your requirements in the design and manufacturing process.
Once fitted we will discuss the care and maintainance of your denture. This will ensure the fine finished surface of your denture remains intact for as long as possible. Each denture is bespoke and tailored to your needs. It is important to understand dentures do not last forever and as the gums and bone change shape your denture may need relining or replacing in the future. If you want to find out how Rajesh can help. Feel free to contact us.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
Mr Rajesh Varma
Location: Kimboton Dental Practice.: 01234 355966
Rebecca Katesmark
Location: Wayside Dental Practice: 01582 712470